• 616

    “Kwanzaa, Freedom, Justice and Peace: Principles and Practices For A New World” By Dr. Maulana Karenga Again, this year we wish for Africans everywhere throughout the world African community “Heri za Kwanzaa. Happy Kwanzaa”. And we bring and send greetings of celebration, solidarity and continued struggle for an inclusive and shared good in the world. ...
  • 828

    “Kwanzaa, Culture and the Practice of Freedom: A Message and Model for Our Times” By Dr. Maulana Karenga   Heri za Kwanzaa. Happy Kwanzaa to African people everywhere throughout the world African community. And we share these greetings also with all peoples of goodwill and especially with all the oppressed, progressive and struggling peoples of ...
  • 794

    Placing the Nguzo Saba at the Center By Dr. Maulana Karenga As we move once again into the month of December and the season of celebration of the good at the year’s end, Kwanzaa will again assume its rightful role as a distinct, definitive and defining African cultural presence at the table of these times. ...
  • 1091

    Remembering and Reaffirming Its Liberational Origins By Dr. Maulana Karenga As December opens up expanded conversations and questions about the origins and practice of Kwanzaa in anticipation of its 55th anniversary celebrations by millions of African peoples around the world, it is good to remember and reaffirm its liberational origins in struggle. For indeed, Kwanzaa ...
  • 1895

    “Kwanzaa and the Well-Being of the World: Living and Uplifting the Seven Principles” by Dr. Maulana Karenga Heri za Kwanzaa, Happy Kwanzaa to African people everywhere throughout the global African community. We bring you Kwanzaa greetings of celebration, solidarity, and continuing struggle for good in the world. Kwanzaa is a special season and celebration of ...
  • 1912

    By Dianne Anderson This time of year, the Orange County Section of NCNW usually runs a myriad of community outreach festivities with accolades of appreciation for the many strong Black women who have devoted their entire lives to the cause. That didn’t happen this year Because of the virus, their organization had to put many ...
  • 2174

    “Living Kwanzaa and the Seven Principles An All-Seasons Celebration and Practice of the Good” By Dr. Maulana Karenga Each year Kwanzaa provides us with a special and unique time to see and celebrate ourselves as African people in beautiful, uplifting and liberating ways. But it also offers us a set of principles which, if practiced ...